U3A Deepdene was incorporated on 6 July 2010, initially under the auspice of the Deepdene Uniting Church, and its Constitution was revised extensively following the introduction by the Victoria Parliament of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. It is a member of U3A Network Victoria and it draws its membership from among the residents of Balwyn, North Balwyn, Deepdene, East Kew and Kew. Its official name is U3A Deepdene Incorporated and its Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN) is A0054692G.
According to its constitution, the purposes of U3A Deepdene are to:
- Provide classes and activities for persons of the Third Age Generation who wish to develop knowledge and skills
- Conduct educational, recreational and social programs for its members
- Encourage all members to contribute their time and talents to assist with the running of the U3A and to volunteer as tutors or class leaders
- Operate as a learning co-operative to offer life-long learning opportunities and promote healthy ageing in a friendly and enjoyable environment
The document is subdivided into various parts dealing with the following matters:
- Powers of the association
- Membership (eligibility, application procedure, subscription fees)
- Disciplinary & grievance procedures
- Meetings (general and special, voting procedure, quorum, record of proceedings)
- Committee of management (role and powers, composition, election procedure,office bearers
- Financial matters (financial record and reporting)
- General matters (common seal, custody of records, alteration of rules, winding up the association)
Policy Documentation
The following policies have been approved by the committee of management. To view and/or download a full copy of these, click on the relevant link below: