Balwyn Park Centre (Office and Main Centre)
206A Whitehorse Road, Balwyn, 3103
Access to this new building in the park is on two levels with a lift between the ground floor and the main meeting room/s.
Public Transport:
Tram 109 (Box Hill) either to stop 46 at Balwyn Cinemas or to stop 47 at Balwyn Road, then walk 100m to the venue.
- Off street cark park (entrance from Whitehorse Road)
- Street parking in Whitehorse Road, Cherry Road and some surrounding streets.
Alston Halls
Deepdene Uniting Church, 958 Burke Road, Deepdene, 3103
Public Transport:
- Trams 109 (Box Hill) and 72 (Camberwell)
- Bus 548 (Ivanhoe)
- On-site car park with limited parking (enter from Dale Street, off Whitehorse Road)
- Street parking in Burke Road and in Dale Street
Stradbroke Park Pavilion
Corner Harp Road and Burke Road, East Kew, 3103
Public Transport:
- Tram 48 (Nth Balwyn), to Burke/Doncaster Road Junction, then 10 minute walk south.
- Bus 302 (Box Hill), 304 (Doncaster SC) and 548 (Ivanhoe)
Ample off street cark parking (enter from Burke Road), plus parking in Burke Road.
The Horrie Watson Pavilion
Deepdene Park, Whitehourse Road, Deepdene, 3103
Public Transport:
- Tram 109 (Box Hill) to Stop 44
- Off street parking in car park area
- Street parking in Walsh Street and Parkside Avenue